Friday, October 23, 2015

Not my regular night.

You know, i'm having one of those half good, half bad days. Hell, i don't think that's actually a thing. But anyway, my day started pretty fine. Same as any other day at school. Talking to my class while the teacher is speaking useless shit as usual about things that doesn't actually matter about my future and so on and so on.
But then i saw that PAYDAY 2 is having a 75% discount! In my currency, it costs about Rp. 85.000 Indonesian rupiahs. Yes, i live in the shitty country called Indonesia.
Now, being the broke fucker i am, i asked my younger brother for money. As usual, the little fucker says no. I offered him games that he doesn't have. Says no, I flipped him the bird.
Now being the nice guy i usually am, i don't ask older people for money, because really, i don't want them to give me things i'll spend for stuff like games. But then i ask my grandpa, he asked me some questions about how does buying games from steam works, then he gave me some money. I love him so much.
One problem remains. I can't ride motorcycles, and my older sister won't take me to Indomaret. If you're curious, Indomaret is like the Indonesian version of walmart.
The same night, out of spite, she takes me to the Indomaret, only to find out that the unipin system is not working.


She takes me to the other Indomaret i know. Then we saw the police on the street. We're not wearing helmets. We actually managed to not get seen by the police.
The bad things doesn't end there. There was a party, or should i say expo? I don't fucking know. Either way, there were a LOT of police keeping a lookout on the main roads. So i walked on foot to the Indomaret, and guess what?

The fucking unipin system isn't working. Fuck.

I walked back to to my sister, and we took another route to get home. When we got home, i gave back my money to the old man, then i wrote this blog post.

The discount ends tomorrow. Fuck my life.

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