Saturday, December 19, 2015

Worst YT channels ever.

So i haven't been posting shit for awhile, but what do you expect from a lazy asshole like me? Then again, not many people visit this blog so i don't have much worry.
So as the tittle suggests, we will be talking about the worst type of YouTube channel possible.
Reaction channels.

I've seen a lot of these fucking uncreative channels growing like crazy. Even though all they do is"react" to videos made by other people. And by "react" i mean sit there, staring blankly at the screen, while sometimes saying shit like "Oh Shit!", "Damn", "Wow!". Yes, because that's a fun reaction to watch.

Some of these fucking guys have the balls to claim that making reaction videos are hard! If you don't know how to make reaction videos, here's the steps if want to be a fucking piece of shit and be one of these fucking leeches!
1. Record yourself watching the video.
2. Download the video you watched.
3. Put the video you watched somewhere in the video your making.

That's it. The final video is them just sitting there quietly. Uncut and unedited.

WOO! That's some hard work over there! I can feel the sweat and blood coming out of my skin! This video is going to get a lot of views! And a lot of views that video gets. Why? Because more often than not, they will react to videos made by famous people like PewDiepie, Vanoss, Game Theory (REALLY!?), and other big ass youtubers. They don't react to the more obscure videos because people like well known things! And they also said it's free promotion! Yes, because these giant youtubers won't be known because of you guys! Amazing 2nd grade logic. Spend all that money you're leeching from other people and get a proper education. Please.

And to avoid misunderstanding, i don't hate channels like REACT or h3h3, because their videos are actually entertaining to watch. They add stuff in the video. It's not an uncut and unedited video of them just sitting there like a fucking twat. The people i'm talking about here is Jinx, CJ, RashadTheReactor, and other people that leeches from other people great video.

So i'll leave it here. Don't support these thieves. Support the people that they are leeching off  instead. Good day to you. Unless you are one of those thieves, which i say fuck off and stop stealing from other people.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Schools is flawed

So while i was working on my mandarin homework, something came up in my mind.

"Why am i doing this shit?"

To earn grades you might say. But what the hell are grades for? Somehow, it decides you're ready or not for the next step in education, whatever it is.

Now, school teaches mostly useless bullshit. For example, in Indonesia, we have to learn mandarin and fucking music art. Why are we learning these useless things? It's not like i'm going to use them in the future! And math. Motherfucking math. Math teaches you the most bullshit things that you're never going to use. I want to learn how to draw! I don't want to learn fucking geometry! Unless you're going to be a scientist, or something like that, you're gonna learn that shit a lot.

Now, i follow sociology. Why the fuck am i learning math? I don't fucking need advanced math! I got into sociology not to learn math!

Hell, schools might as well be near useless because you don't learn anything that will help you in your adulthood. How do i pay taxes? How do i buy a house? How do i get a job? How do i do things that school was suppose to be teaching you? How are the things taught at school is going to be useful for me? How is algebra going to help me play a guitar? How is mandarin supposed to help me draw better?

School is fucking bullshit. Kids failing at school isn't the kids fault. It's the school's fault. For making kids learn the things that they can't do. "But teacher are supposed to teach them things that they can't do!" you say. That's true but right now, i learned mandarin for 4 FUCKING YEARS and i can't draw a single word. It's really because i got zero motivation for learning this shit. Most of the time in math, i just ask for the answers from my friends, because i didn't understand a single fucking thing the teacher said to me.

It won't end here. Another post is coming. About this very topic. Show this to your teachers, your parents. Show how fucking idiotic those prime ministers of education are.

I'll see you on the next one. I still got this fucking mandarin bullshit to work on.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Not my regular night.

You know, i'm having one of those half good, half bad days. Hell, i don't think that's actually a thing. But anyway, my day started pretty fine. Same as any other day at school. Talking to my class while the teacher is speaking useless shit as usual about things that doesn't actually matter about my future and so on and so on.
But then i saw that PAYDAY 2 is having a 75% discount! In my currency, it costs about Rp. 85.000 Indonesian rupiahs. Yes, i live in the shitty country called Indonesia.
Now, being the broke fucker i am, i asked my younger brother for money. As usual, the little fucker says no. I offered him games that he doesn't have. Says no, I flipped him the bird.
Now being the nice guy i usually am, i don't ask older people for money, because really, i don't want them to give me things i'll spend for stuff like games. But then i ask my grandpa, he asked me some questions about how does buying games from steam works, then he gave me some money. I love him so much.
One problem remains. I can't ride motorcycles, and my older sister won't take me to Indomaret. If you're curious, Indomaret is like the Indonesian version of walmart.
The same night, out of spite, she takes me to the Indomaret, only to find out that the unipin system is not working.


She takes me to the other Indomaret i know. Then we saw the police on the street. We're not wearing helmets. We actually managed to not get seen by the police.
The bad things doesn't end there. There was a party, or should i say expo? I don't fucking know. Either way, there were a LOT of police keeping a lookout on the main roads. So i walked on foot to the Indomaret, and guess what?

The fucking unipin system isn't working. Fuck.

I walked back to to my sister, and we took another route to get home. When we got home, i gave back my money to the old man, then i wrote this blog post.

The discount ends tomorrow. Fuck my life.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Well i have zero fucking things to criticize because most of the time, TotalBiscuit or Jim Sterling or any honest gaming journalist in this world, already got there first, or i'm just really fucking late to the party. Really because Indonesia is bad at pretty much everything, including Internet speed. And so, I'm going to criticize everything instead! HA! GENIUS!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

About this blog.

In this blog i'll be talking about games. Like news on them, my thoughts on the gaming industry, mocking Konami, reviewing games and other stuff. But i'll also talk about non-gaming things because really, WHY NOT?